| Read Time: 3 minutes | Immigration Law

What Is the U Visa Approval Rate?

According to the U.S. Citizens and Immigration Services, the overall U Visa approval rate in 2020 was 77.1%, which means only 22.9% of U Visa applications were denied nationwide. In the same year, in North Carolina, the U Visa approval rate was 86%, with a denial rate of only 14%. Since 2016, North Carolina has achieved one of the...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Immigration Law

How to Prepare for Your Individual Hearing in Immigration Court

When the federal government decides you do not have the legal right to remain in the US, it typically initiates removal or deportation proceedings against you. The most important part of the removal process is the individual hearing in immigration court. Held before an immigration judge (IJ), the individual hearing is, in essence, a trial where you and the government present...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Immigration Law

What to Expect at Your Master Hearing in Immigration Court

When the US government concludes you are in the country without authorization or violated the terms of your status, it may place you in removal or deportation proceedings. These proceedings are how the government determines whether non-US citizens have the legal right to come to or stay in the US. One of the first steps in the process is the master...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Immigration Law

Overview of the Deportation Process and Timeline

The deportation process in the United States is lengthy and often complex. In many cases, the process can take years. The outcome of these proceedings, no matter how slow or quick, could drastically change your life. It is always best to have skilled, aggressive immigration representation going into deportation proceedings. Learn how we can assist you by calling (336) 724-2828 or sending us an...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Immigration Law

How to Stop Deportation or Removal from the U.S.

Deportation is perhaps the most feared word for anyone residing in the U.S. without papers. You must take it seriously if you receive notice of removal proceedings from the U.S. immigration authorities. You are undoubtedly scared and uncertain of your future, but there are many defenses to deportation and even justifications for stopping deportation. If you are wondering how...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Immigration Law

Five Tips for Finding the Best Immigration Lawyer in North Carolina

Choosing a lawyer to assist you in a legal matter can be daunting. However, finding and selecting the right lawyer to assist you with immigration issues is imperative. If you have an immigration issue and are wondering how to find the best immigration lawyer, you have come to the right place. A skilled immigration attorney can make all the difference in...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Immigration Law

5 Reasons to Hire an Immigration Lawyer in North Carolina

Immigrants are often tempted to represent themselves in proceedings and applications. Mostly, individuals choose not to hire an attorney because they are afraid of the cost. But navigating the U.S. immigration system is difficult and tricky. U.S. immigration law is complex, and hiring an experienced attorney can actually save you time and money in the long run. If you...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Immigration Law


A shift in policy means anyone with unlawful status will be put into removal proceedings Notices to Appear for removal proceedings (NTAs) will be issued in many more situations under a July 2018 policy change from the U.S. attorney general. The policy memo, Section V, states that United States Citizenship Information Services (USCIS) will serve a NTA where, upon issuance of...

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